Fly Fishing I, OSU PAC 178, Fly Fishing I class
Michael Gorman, Instructor
Fly Fishing I PAC 178
(1 credit hour. Prerequisite: none)
Michael Gorman,
phone: (541) 737-3222 email: Inquire
in OSU PAC office, Langton Hall 123
This course is intended to acquaint
the student with the basic skills of fly fishing ---- rudimentary fly casting,
knowledge of nymphing, wet fly, dry fly techniques, essential equipment
appropriate to a given fish species, fly selection, knots, and simple fly-tying
methods. There will be a general overview of fly fishing for trout, salmon,
steelhead, warmwater species and saltwater gamefish. In addition to
demonstrations and discussions, there will be PowerPoint presentations and video
excerpts that will serve as learning aids in this course. There will be
many in-class small group activities that involve internet research utilizing
smart phones or laptops.
class sessions will involve small group in-class research and discussion. Students
will be encouraged to use smart phone technology for recording class
discussions, accessing pertinent data, and using the camera function during
their fishing activities.. A laptop may be used in lieu of a smart phone for
research, data recording and emailing of in-class research resuls.
successful completion of FLY FISHING I the student will be able to:
*Conduct a thoughtful and pertinent internet search of fly fishing topics
which contribute to making the student a knowledgeable and resourceful fly
*Execute and analyze a standard fly
*Identify adult aquatic insect groups important in the trout diet.
*Tie three basic fishing knots: double surgeon, clinch and nail knot or albright
*Have a good understanding of water safety guidelines and mental game plan of
common sense procedures in case of an on-the-water emergency.
*Name the basic components of an artificial fly, tie a simple fly, and identify
basic fly-tying tools.
*Discern the basic differences among these fly fishing techniques: wet fly, dry
fly and nymphing.
*Select appropriate fly rod/reel/line/leader/fly combinations for a given
species of freshwater fish in a given fly fishing situation.
*Name five streams or lakes in Oregon of fly fishing importance, their exact
location, fish species present, and appropriate time of year to fly fish these
with a reasonable chance of success.
WEEK 1 Slide
presentation: Fly Fishing Around Oregon. Using Scout and Google Maps apps on smart phones.
Review course outline & grading. Key fly fishing locations. General fly types:
wet, dry, nymph. Prior to next class students will should read and consider
printing out "Water Safety Basics" available on Blackboard.
Announcement: A fly fishing video competition for those students interested.
Details on blackboard: "Fishing Video Competition"
Using smart phones, or assisting a student who has one, students will research
these terms: wet fly, dry fly, nymph, Stimulator, Parachute Adams, Prince nymph,
Hare's Ear nymph, Wooly Bugger, and Bead Head Soft Hackle. A single
summary of group findings, including group member names, will be sent via email
to the instructor before class ends. Prior to next class students should
consider printing out "Fly Fishing Equipment Basics" available on Blackboard or
on the internet.
Small group activity: Access online article : Fly Fishing Equipment Basics".
Basic fly fishing equipment: fly rods and lines. Fly fishing knots
More basic fly fishing equipment: reels, backing, leaders, tippets. Tie knots in
class: clinch, surgeon, nail/tube knot.
Thursday: "Fly Fishing Equipment
Basics" Quiz. Prior to next class students should
consider printing out "Fly Casting Basics" available on Blackboard.
WEEK 3 Review
of "fly Casting Basics" + instructor casting demo. Student groups will
construct a tapered yarn casting line, and demonstrate fly casting principles in
the classroom with rod tip section
in prep for outdoor casting. Students will be asked to constructively
critique each other. If time allows: video excerpt from "Essence of Fly
Outdoor casting session.
WEEK 4 Small group research on YouTube students will view a brief
video of their own on nymph fishing for trout, dry fly fishing for trout and
nymph fishing for trout. Possibility if time allows: Video excerpt from
“Fly Fishing for Trout”.
Continue researching nymphs, wet flies, and dry flies, and methods for fishing
Tuesday: Deadline for video competition
Continuation of small group work on fly fishing methods for wet fly, dry fly,
and nymphing methods. Submit summary email to instructor before end of
class. single summary of group findings, including group member
names, will be sent via email to the instructor before class ends.
If time allows: video excerpts: wet fly, dry fly, nymphing techniques.
Winners of video competition will be announced.
Yes Outdoor casting Tuesday, April 29.
Bring a fly rod if you have one.
Water safety discussion and trip planning. Small group activity: Listing
of preparation steps, necessary skills, equipment & flies, and thoughtful
strategies for catching a fish.
A single summary of group findings, including group member names, will be
sent via email to the instructor before class ends. Prior to next class
students should read and consider printing out the "Fly Tying Overview"
and "The Black Bomber Leech" fly tying sheets available on
Thursday: GRADING QUIZ Fly tying demonstration: the black Bomber
WEEK 6 Class fly tying.
The Black Bomber Leech. Students will keep the flies they have tied.
Prior to next class students will should read and consider printing out
"Fly Fishing Lakes" study sheet available on Blackboard.
Power Point presentation: “Fly fishing Lakes”. Begin small
group activity: Listing of preparation steps, necessary skills, equipment &
flies, and thoughtful strategies for catching a fish in stillwaters.
Continue small group activity: Listing of
preparation steps, necessary skills, equipment & flies, and thoughtful
strategies for catching a fish in stillwaters.
A single summary of group findings, including group member names, will be
sent via email to the instructor before class ends. Prior to next class
students should read and consider printing out "Aquatic Entomology"
document available on Blackboard.
Power Point presentation:
The trout’s diet and aquatic entomology. Q
& A.
Prior to next class students will should read and consider printing out
"Fly Fishing for steelhead" document available on Blackboard.
Power Point presentation: “Fly Fishing for Steelhead”. Prior to
next class students should read and consider printing out "The Hybrid Line
System"" study sheet available on Blackboard.
WEEK 9 Prior to next class
students should read and consider printing out "The Hybrid Line System""
study sheet available on Blackboard. Small group activity:
Listing of preparation steps, necessary skills, equipment & flies, and
thoughtful strategies for catching a steelhead.
A single summary of group findings, including group member names, will be
sent via email to the instructor before class ends. Prior to next class students
should read and consider printing out "Fishing Photography Tips" study
sheet available on Blackboard.
Power Point presentation: Fishing photography tips. Small group activity:
Using smart phones, develop some creative ways for photographing a fish --- 1.
with angler 2. with rod & reel 3. with
angler and rod & reel Students will email instructor with photo
attachments for the entire class to view.
Important fly fishing accessories: vest, waders, technical clothing,
tools, etc.
PAC 178
Instructor: Michael Gorman
541-737-3222 Phone message
1. Grading: the final grade,
scored on a point basis. 230-250 points, A; 225-229 points, A-;
B+; 205-220, B; 200-204, B-; 196-199, C+; 180-195, C; 175-179, C-; 171-174, D+; 155-170, D; 150-154, D-, 149 points or less, F.
The point total is determined by the sum
associated with the following criteria:
*Participation: 80 points. After the first week of the term, 4 points are
subtracted from a starting total of 80 for each absence from participation in
*"Fly Fishing Equipment Basics" quiz, Thursday of Week 2: 10
*Grading quiz, Tuesday of Week 5: 10 points.
*Timed open note/open book demonstration of knowledge (mid term exam),
Thursday of Week 6: 40 points.
*Summary of fly fishing outing taken during the current term, due beginning of
class, Tuesday of Week 9: 40 points. (To fish public waters in Oregon, the
student must have a current, valid Oregon fishing license issued at most retail
stores that sell sporting goods. A one-day license is about $16 for
residents and nonresidents alike. Licenses of longer duration may be
obtained at great reductions in per day cost. Also, the student is responsible
for acquiring terminal gear, such as leaders and flies for their fishing outing.
At no cost, a rod, reel, and line may be checked out to the student from Langton
127 by the instructor only.)
*Extra credit: Satisfactory completion of one of the projects listed in #3
below, due beginning of class, Tuesday of Week 9: 10 points.
*End-of-term open note/open book demonstration of knowledge, Thursday of Week
10: 70 points.
Maximum point total: 250.
must have an ONID account in order to access their grade at the campus
Blackboard site. To get an ONID account, go to
Once the student has logged into Blackboard, access
this class. If you cannot access the course,
you are not correctly registered
for this class. Again, you must have an ONID account in order to access your
final grade.
Submit a type-written summary of a fly fishing outing taken during the current term: 150 – 200 words, not
including the headings. Hard copies only, no emailed projects. Deadline:
beginning of class, Tuesday of Week 9.
Task #1: Copy/write out the first five heading
items below on your paper (not just the numbers "1", "2". etc.) . Under each heading, write your response for that
heading. (5 points)
1) Date and stream or river fished, and its general geographical location
(5 points). (Pretend your instructor does not know geography except for
Example: On Saturday, Sept. 31, I fished Steelhead Creek. From Corvallis,
travel south on Hwy 99 for 26 miles to Harrisburg. Turn west (right) onto to Hwy
66. In 13 miles arrive at Steelhead Creek Park. Fished immediately below the
2) Equipment used, including brand names (rod, reel, fly line,
leader) and flies used. (5 points);
3) Description of the fishing (not casting) techniques/presentations of
the flies used. Describe/explain how you
presented the fly to the fish (5 points); These are not
a total description of the techniques:."I used the roll cast" or "I used
the nymphing technique". Mention the direction of the cast, where the fly
is in the water column, how you affected (or not) the drift of the fly, and any
adjustments you made in an attempt to draw a srike from a fish.
If you used the "natural drift" or "nymphing" methods to present your fly,
you must describe/explain what the "natural drift" or "nymphing"
method is.
4) Get any strikes? Catch any fish?
5) Significant fishing “lessons” learned (5 points).
6) Place a photo of yourself at the river during your fishing day on the
bottom portion of your paper. (5 points)
7) Use spelling and grammar checks on your summary, AND write at the bottom
of the page: "I have used grammar and spell check when writing this report",
followed by your hand-written signature. (5 points).
8) Papers should include PAC course number and class meeting days and time (4
points), and papers should not exceed more than one side of a page of
12-point typed text (5 points). Due at the beginning of class Tuesday of Week
9) On the back of your paper, or on an attached second sheet, place a
photocopy of your fishing license. (5 points)
For extra credit, select, complete, and submit one of the
following on or before the beginning of your regular class meeting, Tuesday
of Week 9: Maximum 10 points.
A. A display of 10 different (altering just the size or colors is
NOT "different") fly patterns tied by the student during the current term. These
will be mounted and labeled (in type, not hand-written), and
neatly displayed. Typed labeling accounts for 5 points of the total. Display
method is the choice of the student. A reminder: the difference between
student-tied flies and purchased, commercially-tied flies is usually very
obvious to the instructor. A reminder: the difference between student-tied flies
and commercially-tied flies is often extremely obvious.
To receive any credit,
the student must write on the back of their display, or on a separate piece of paper, write: "I have
personally tied (made) these flies during this term." then, place your signature
under the statement, and the date.
B. Collect 10 different aquatic organisms from ponds, streams or lakes,
each in its own glass vial (with 50/50 mixture of tap water and rubbing
(isopropyl) alcohol) available from OSU Bookstore. Each organism must be at
least 1/3" long. Eggs of any organism are not acceptable. Your
instructor will help with general identification if done so at least one week
prior to submission deadline.. Create a typed sheet referencing each numbered
vial with:
1) organism I.D. (examples: caddis larva; mayfly nymph; midge adult; midge pupa)
2) name of pond, lake or stream where it was captured
3) general habitat for each--- examples: fast water, stony bottom, vegetation at
river's edge, slow water, on dead wood in water, etc
C. Read 3 chapters of Effective
Stillwater Fly Fishing, or 3 chapters of Steelhead Fly Angling,
both written by Michael Gorman..
1. For each of the three chapters, write the chapter title.
2. Under each chapter title write a two sentence summary of the chapter.
3. Under each chapter title write a two sentence comment about its
understandability, level of interest for the reader, and anything found to be
4. To receive credit for this project,
at the conclusion of this paper write "I have read these three chapters in their
entirety.", and, then, place your signature under this statement.
Late submissions, for any reason, will not be accepted
All summaries and projects are due no later than the beginning of class
Tuesday of Week 9.
Note: Students absent from class, for any reason, are responsible for securing
notes from another student in class.
If there should be an obvious typing error or conflict of dates concerning
deadline dates, or dates concerning the quiz, mid term exam, or final exam, the
student will not be excused for missing the deadline. Announcements will be made
in class lectures as deadlines or testing dates approach. These announcements
will supersede any typo errors. Students are responsible for knowing this.
Links of interest:
"A Typical
Winter Steelhead Fishing Day --- Start to Finish"
Productive Steelhead Water and How to Fish It with a Fly"
"Know Your Quarry --- The Steelhead Life
"McKenzie River Flies"
Fishing Equipment Basics"
A few recommended books and
authors: A few
recommended video titles:
The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide by T. Rosenbauer
Fly Fishing for Trout, 3M
Fishing in Oregon by Casali and Dinesse
Strategies for Selective Trout, 3M
Western Hatches by Hafele and
Hughes Advanced
Strategies for Trout, 3M
Fly Casting Illustrated by F.
Amato Fly
Fishing for Bass, 3M
Lake Fishing with a Fly by Kaufmann and Cordes
Essence of Fly Casting, Kreiger
Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies by T.
Combs Fly Fishing for
Pacific Steelhead, 3M
Oregon State University provides clear definition and sanctions for
academic dishonesty. As a result, academic dishonesty of any kind is not
tolerated. Students caught cheating, plagiarizing, or participating in any form
of academic dishonesty will receive an F on the assignment or test (and possibly
an F in the course). A formal report to the chair of the Department, to the
Dean, and to the Student Conduct Program will be made.
you have any questions about the extent and severity of sanctions that may
result from dishonest behavior, I suggest that you take time to read the OSU
Student Handbook or access the OSU Student Conduct Website at:
Statement of Risk:
Risk is associated with many of life’s activities, including PAC classes.
The College of Health and Performance Science classes
will seek to minimize these risks by providing safe activity areas where
possible, adequate equipment, and capable instruction. It is highly
recommended that you provide yourself with a student health/accident insurance
policy. These are available through the University, private carriers, or
through a family policy. If uninsured, minor accidents or health problems can
lead to great expense. If you have a condition that might affect or be affected
by participation in this PAC class, you are encouraged to so inform your
instructor either verbally or in writing. Should you become ill or
injured during class time, please inform the instructor or have a fellow student
do so. If you must leave class because of illness or injury it is recommended
that another student accompany you.
Sharp hooks and tools used during this class have an obvious inherent danger.
Use common sense and precautions at all times. When on a fishing outing, common
sense and precautions are urged when using sharp hooks (wearing polarized eye
glasses is recommended at all times to protect your eyes and assist in safe
wading) and wading in swift currents or walking on slippery rocks. If you
perceive dangerous conditions that cannot be counteracted with common sense and
reasonable precautions, desist and/or speak with your instructor.
Statement for
Students with Disabilities
Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty
and Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Students with accommodations
approved through SSD are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge
of the course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss
accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but
who have not yet obtained approval through SSD should contact SSD immediately at
Focus Questions and Important Info to know --- Have in your notes!
*Name 10 Oregon streams or lakes
(and general locations) that have available year-round fly fishing
opportunities, and their general geographical location.
*Know something significant about the fishing and the general
location of the McKenzie, Alsea, Siletz, Metolius, Crooked, North Santiam, South
Santiam, Fall, lower Deschutes, the upper Willamette, and Middle Fork of the
Willamette Rivers, E.E. Wilson Pond and Olalla Reservoir.
*Identify/name the Top Six flies recommended in class. Be able to identify
an artificial dry fly from a wet fly from a nymph.
*Know: recommended fly rod lengths/weights for a given species of fish:
trout, salmon, steelhead, small warmwater fish, bass, smaller saltwater fish,
large to largest saltwater gamefish.
*Leader lengths --- ranges? Best overall? Monofilament vs. co-polymer vs.
*Appropriate fly reel size for a given rod “weight”
*Different fly reel drag.
*Besides, recommended rod lengths and "weights", what qualities would you
look for in a good fly rod?
*What factors weigh into the retail price of a fly rod? Are all
rod-building graphite fibers the same? Appropriate number of guides on a quality
fly rod?
*Can you interpret "WF-6-F" as it relates to the attributes of a fly line?
WF-5-S? WF-5-F/S. Best choice in fly lines for streams? Lakes?
*Name three desirable attributes of braided Dacron as fly line backing.
*Leaders: appropriate length and diameter. How is diameter of tippet
commonly measured?
*Difference between leader and tippet. Correlate "X" number with inches.
Appropriate "X" number for hook size.
*Know the five guidelines for basic fly casting as discussed in class: Eat
The Apple With Care.
*What is a roll cast? How is it different from a
standard fly cast? When would you typically use a roll cast?
*Know the basic presentation method/strategy for dry flies, wet flies, and
*Best fly line for presenting stream nymphs; stream wet flies; stream
dry flies?
* Best fly line for presenting lake nymphs; lake wet flies; lake dry
*Best single fly line for fishing nymphs deep along a stream bottom?
Single best line recommended for fishing nymphs in lakes? What is
special about the Mastery Stillwater fly line? How quickly does it sink?
Interpret WF-4-S code. What do Type I, II, II, IV . . . refer to a they pertain
to a fly line?
*Can you tie a clinch knot, surgeon knot, and an Albright knot? In
assembling your backing/fly line/leader/fly system, where is each of the
aforementioned knots used?
*List four items an angler can wear of have with them that
contribute to safety while fishing.
*List three possible injuries or health-threatening
conditions in a fishing environment.
*What is hypothermia? Name three symptoms that indicate
an angler may have hypothermia.
*List three measures that can be taken to prevent
*Name three things you can do to help someone with
hypothermia while waiting for medical assistance.
*Black Bomber Leech: name materials and tools used to construct the fly.
Factoid: originally designed as a trout fly.
*What is a "hackle"? Bird (and gender) producing the most commonly used
hackles? From what bird do we get marabou feathers? What is a half-hitch knot?
*What is a "selectively-feeding" trout?
To a selectively-feeding fish, what is MOST important about
your artificial fly: color, size or shape?
*How is a fish stomach pump used? Minimum length of fish to prevent harm?
*Name the BIG FOUR aquatic insect groups. How would you
identify the adults of each group?
*What two readily-available liquids were recommended to be mixed for
preserving aquatic organisms?
*What immature aquatic insect may build a case/"home" from
tiny stones, sand, fir needles, leaf debris or small twigs?
*Which is the largest preserved aquatic insect we looked at
in class? What kind of lakes does it live in?
*What are some peculiar anatomical features and locomotion of
the dragonfly nymph?
*What is the difference between a nymph and a larva in terms
of incomplete and complete life cycle? Insect examples.
*Name 10 lakes to fly fish in Oregon as mentioned in class or
class handout.
*Why is it imperative to have a floating craft on most
stillwaters? What is the best (as recommended by your instructor) lake fly
*What is a shock absorber leader? What advantage does
it give the angler?
*Besides the right fly line and right flies at the right
depth, what else is important to entice a lake trout to strike a fly?
*Monofilament vs. co-polymer vs. fluorocarbon leader.
Pros and cons of each.
*How do you use a fish stomach pump? Why would you use
*Fishing glasses --- lens colors? What is polarization
and why is it important?
*What is a steelhead? Describe its life cycle briefly?
How is it's life cycle different from a pacific salmon?
*List three outdoor photography tips which contribute to
taking better photographs of fish and fishermen.
*Name three good reasons to wear polarized glasses
while fishing. What color lenses are best in low light, early morning or
late evening, or rainy times?
*Describe the two most common types (materials) of chest
wader materials? Advantages of each. Disadvantages. Which is
safest for an UNPLANNED swim?
*For good traction what material is needed on the soles of
your wading shoes or boots?
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